Sunday, June 10, 2007

History essay # 1

History Final Essay #1

Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D

Describe the past and present of food. Predict the future of food, with reference to class materials and historical trends.

The history of food has been a very varied one in its entirety, food through its history been produce and kill for the human race to survive. We have always have the mentality of produce and producing for the high demand of food humans create, we always take but we have not given back, this is how our destruction begins.
In the past food was produce locally with no pesticides, it was produce in a small to medium scale, it was produce by farmers that own their own farms and that were their own boss, food was also sell locally to a cheap cost, so that everyone had the opportunity to enjoy it. They may have not had the variety of our time with mangos and melons form Argentina, but they worked with what they had and were quite content.
The old society didn’t need much to survive, but a few stuff. In a way they were content with what they had and didn’t complain. They knew who produced their food; some even picked or killed their own food. They were in contact with nature and gave back to it, this were days were they didn’t need to be afraid of e.coli or if the vegetables was full of harmful pesticides, until the big companies came.
Our present is dominated by the big companies that destroyed the small farms, and created big one that produced large and even larger scale of food. Food that isn’t necessary to survive, they filled the meat we ate with harmful hormones, and the vegetable with pesticides that kill bugs and harm us. They are enslaving us in a world were “you have to rent yourself to get money that allows you to eat”, a world were we aren’t our own boss and were we lost touch with nature.
When this companies came to the farms and destroyed them to construct a monster farm dependent on fossil fuel, the farmers weren’t happy they wouldn’t work for them, so the companies hired immigrants who were not trained to produce food, and let them continued even thought they knew the food was becoming contaminated, they didn’t stop because they didn’t care about their consumers health they cared that the consumer would keep buying their food and eating it. This irresponsibility created a rise on e.coli and other diseases.
The people are enslaved in this present, they are enslaved to eat food that is full of hormones and pesticide and other harmful things. To become an unhealthy nation that is dependent in fossil fuel, a non-renewable resource.
If our food trend continues like it is in the present, the future won’t be so bright. What the big companies never understand is that if you keep taking and taking form a place, it will run out. And that’s what they are doing; they are making our society dependent in fossil fuels and hormones full food. And when they run out of fuel they will let us die. Because even if they say they don’t use much fuel anymore, they will still be an oil peak. And everything from there will go downwards, our society will in the end collapse because we are dependable in oil to run our cities and transport our food. We wont be able to survive because our food is not produce locally anymore and we lack the skill to survive for our self’s in a situation like this. The only thing that can save us now, is to find other resources other than oil to survive, because even if we stop it right now that damage is done and there will be a peak oil and our society will be in crisis, just like in war times, the only thing left for us to do is learn preventions and brace ourselves fro what is to come.

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