History Final Essay # 2
Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D
“Food in our culture is one aspect of a larger nightmare”, write an essay that opposes, supports, and/or qualifies this thesis.
Food in all its aspect for our society is mass produced and rushed from all over the world, because is not grown locally anymore. It’s full of unhealthy hormones and pesticides which make us sick, and it’s soulless because we don’t produce it ourselves or kill it, because we have no connection with what we eat, because there is no involvement anymore.
In our present society we are feed fast food full of bad things for our bodies, we are sell food from around the world to ensnares us in a trap that enslaves us to hormone filled food. We sell our self for a mango from Argentina and a piece of chesses from Italy. In our society we sell our self for things that will disappear when fossil fuel ends.
Our culture is soulless in this food aspect; it has lost its connection with food a long time ago. It has lost this connection because we don’t grow or kill our own food anymore; because we let others do it for us. This leads us to a soulless connection to food. Our attention is capture by how the big companies market the food they sell us, how they introduce it to us. To make us believe that we wont be happy if we don’t buy it. It hides how the people who grow the food we eat are treated, how they are enslaved. They make us to believe in a matrix world, were everything is good and all you have to do to be happy is to continue to buy whatever they sell to you, no matter if is dangerous to you and your love ones.
Our culture has become a zombie culture, were we do anything these big companies tell us to do, because it is suppose to be good for us, but do they actually care for us? The answer is no, the only thing they care about is there profit and how much can they feed us until we realize how dumb and manipulated we have been. The food the give us, the one we don’t grow, the exotic one’s; we don’t eat them because we truly enjoy them we eat it without felling because we have been ingrain in our brains that is good for us, even thought they are full of hormones and pesticides, even thought we don’t deserve it because we haven’t grown it our self. We eat it without a soul because we don’t have a connection with it, just like the big companies wanted.
In one aspect the food in our culture is part of a larger nightmare, because of the way it is sold and market to us. How we are manipulated by this companies, because we have given up. Been manipulated to do stuff never ends well, it will become worse to the point that if we don’t do what this companies want we will lose who we are, our families and everything we hold dear.
In the movie “Our Daily Bread” it shows us how industrialize food is created, yet we still eat it, we are still trap without an opinion to this food and the one that produce it. In the industrialize life we rent ourselves to this companies, but we don’t get anything in return but more enslavement for “fulfill and happy life”. Because the food in our culture is one aspect of a larger nightmare that will enslave us and bring us down when they run out of resources, when they fall. Because their fall is imminent we are attach to them and we will fall with them.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
History essay # 1
History Final Essay #1
Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D
Describe the past and present of food. Predict the future of food, with reference to class materials and historical trends.
The history of food has been a very varied one in its entirety, food through its history been produce and kill for the human race to survive. We have always have the mentality of produce and producing for the high demand of food humans create, we always take but we have not given back, this is how our destruction begins.
In the past food was produce locally with no pesticides, it was produce in a small to medium scale, it was produce by farmers that own their own farms and that were their own boss, food was also sell locally to a cheap cost, so that everyone had the opportunity to enjoy it. They may have not had the variety of our time with mangos and melons form Argentina, but they worked with what they had and were quite content.
The old society didn’t need much to survive, but a few stuff. In a way they were content with what they had and didn’t complain. They knew who produced their food; some even picked or killed their own food. They were in contact with nature and gave back to it, this were days were they didn’t need to be afraid of e.coli or if the vegetables was full of harmful pesticides, until the big companies came.
Our present is dominated by the big companies that destroyed the small farms, and created big one that produced large and even larger scale of food. Food that isn’t necessary to survive, they filled the meat we ate with harmful hormones, and the vegetable with pesticides that kill bugs and harm us. They are enslaving us in a world were “you have to rent yourself to get money that allows you to eat”, a world were we aren’t our own boss and were we lost touch with nature.
When this companies came to the farms and destroyed them to construct a monster farm dependent on fossil fuel, the farmers weren’t happy they wouldn’t work for them, so the companies hired immigrants who were not trained to produce food, and let them continued even thought they knew the food was becoming contaminated, they didn’t stop because they didn’t care about their consumers health they cared that the consumer would keep buying their food and eating it. This irresponsibility created a rise on e.coli and other diseases.
The people are enslaved in this present, they are enslaved to eat food that is full of hormones and pesticide and other harmful things. To become an unhealthy nation that is dependent in fossil fuel, a non-renewable resource.
If our food trend continues like it is in the present, the future won’t be so bright. What the big companies never understand is that if you keep taking and taking form a place, it will run out. And that’s what they are doing; they are making our society dependent in fossil fuels and hormones full food. And when they run out of fuel they will let us die. Because even if they say they don’t use much fuel anymore, they will still be an oil peak. And everything from there will go downwards, our society will in the end collapse because we are dependable in oil to run our cities and transport our food. We wont be able to survive because our food is not produce locally anymore and we lack the skill to survive for our self’s in a situation like this. The only thing that can save us now, is to find other resources other than oil to survive, because even if we stop it right now that damage is done and there will be a peak oil and our society will be in crisis, just like in war times, the only thing left for us to do is learn preventions and brace ourselves fro what is to come.
Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D
Describe the past and present of food. Predict the future of food, with reference to class materials and historical trends.
The history of food has been a very varied one in its entirety, food through its history been produce and kill for the human race to survive. We have always have the mentality of produce and producing for the high demand of food humans create, we always take but we have not given back, this is how our destruction begins.
In the past food was produce locally with no pesticides, it was produce in a small to medium scale, it was produce by farmers that own their own farms and that were their own boss, food was also sell locally to a cheap cost, so that everyone had the opportunity to enjoy it. They may have not had the variety of our time with mangos and melons form Argentina, but they worked with what they had and were quite content.
The old society didn’t need much to survive, but a few stuff. In a way they were content with what they had and didn’t complain. They knew who produced their food; some even picked or killed their own food. They were in contact with nature and gave back to it, this were days were they didn’t need to be afraid of e.coli or if the vegetables was full of harmful pesticides, until the big companies came.
Our present is dominated by the big companies that destroyed the small farms, and created big one that produced large and even larger scale of food. Food that isn’t necessary to survive, they filled the meat we ate with harmful hormones, and the vegetable with pesticides that kill bugs and harm us. They are enslaving us in a world were “you have to rent yourself to get money that allows you to eat”, a world were we aren’t our own boss and were we lost touch with nature.
When this companies came to the farms and destroyed them to construct a monster farm dependent on fossil fuel, the farmers weren’t happy they wouldn’t work for them, so the companies hired immigrants who were not trained to produce food, and let them continued even thought they knew the food was becoming contaminated, they didn’t stop because they didn’t care about their consumers health they cared that the consumer would keep buying their food and eating it. This irresponsibility created a rise on e.coli and other diseases.
The people are enslaved in this present, they are enslaved to eat food that is full of hormones and pesticide and other harmful things. To become an unhealthy nation that is dependent in fossil fuel, a non-renewable resource.
If our food trend continues like it is in the present, the future won’t be so bright. What the big companies never understand is that if you keep taking and taking form a place, it will run out. And that’s what they are doing; they are making our society dependent in fossil fuels and hormones full food. And when they run out of fuel they will let us die. Because even if they say they don’t use much fuel anymore, they will still be an oil peak. And everything from there will go downwards, our society will in the end collapse because we are dependable in oil to run our cities and transport our food. We wont be able to survive because our food is not produce locally anymore and we lack the skill to survive for our self’s in a situation like this. The only thing that can save us now, is to find other resources other than oil to survive, because even if we stop it right now that damage is done and there will be a peak oil and our society will be in crisis, just like in war times, the only thing left for us to do is learn preventions and brace ourselves fro what is to come.
industrialize food system
Industrialize Food System
Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D
Food Course
Industrialize food system, is believe to be a system made in mass production to make us follow certain way of living that other powerful people impose in us. It is also a way of how we eat, what we eat, and why we eat it.
This semester in our food course we learned how was the food we ate mass produce, by who was it mass produced and what was in it. I did not realize that the food we eat is anything but healthy nor safe in the long run, what I discover during this semester has impact the way I eat and in the general way I view food and the people that offer it to us. For some this concept may seem a bit ‘tree hugger’ because we are given all this information in how the meat we eat is not killed nor clean properly leaving the meat full of bacteria that could kill us, and be excepted to give up meat because of this information. But seriously you have lived for about an average of eighteen or nineteen years old been omnivorous and some one comes up to you and tells you that meat and the food your eating right now is bad for you, will you believe them? Realistically, I wouldn’t believe them right away, and even if they had a lot of evidence I will still be a bit wary of them.
Because of this reason in our food course we have embarked in a way to prove to others that the way we are eating and the stuff (because of its processing I don’t think its food) we are eating isn’t healthy for us. We have look in every aspect of industrialized food system, we have view it from its processing and cleaning, to its market price, to its nutrition and finally to its social view.
In the next paragraphs I will be trying to open your minds to a reality that has evade us, and just as the matrix some of us will believe it, some won’t.
The big fast food companies have since there existence try to manipulate us into spending large amounts of money from our pay to eat their processed and addictive food. And we have fallen for this trap; they have caught us because we are always searching for ways of getting our food and others things faster. We have become “a nation with a health disorder”.
They began by buying the little farms and grouping them together to create one massive one, they fired all the competent farmers because they did not agree with their rules, and in their place they hired immigrants that weren’t trained in the correct way to clean meat. Their only care since the beginning has been for the profit and not for the consumers.
This food that big companies process and give to us to eat are not only fill with bacteria, but our vegetables and fruits are also fill with pesticides that kill insects but also are harmful for us and the environment. So, the big companies give us process food that is harmful for us, so how do they keep us faithful to them and not organic farms? Well, that’s were the industrialize food system comes in play, it markets, it manipulates us to get their food only, it makes gives us variety like mangos from a South American country or chesses from a European country. Those foods are also process and full of bacteria and pesticides, but we American love to have the upper hand to the rest of the world, that’s why we buy mangos in winter that don’t grow in our country and that travels thousand of miles to get to our supermarket.
Another point in their industrialize food system, is fossil fuel. A very important part in this manipulation, it allows the mangos to travel thousands of miles for us; it gives power to our cities and allows us to move faster than before. It uses fuel to kill the environment.
One may think that because they are processing the food the only thing they are damaging is our health, but in actuality they are also damaging our environment with their massive industrialize factories that kill our land and our air with its waste. They also over use a non-reusable source in our planet, fossil fuel. And like everything else it will run out soon and their manipulative way will be over.
Arlen N. Molina
Pluto D
Food Course
Industrialize food system, is believe to be a system made in mass production to make us follow certain way of living that other powerful people impose in us. It is also a way of how we eat, what we eat, and why we eat it.
This semester in our food course we learned how was the food we ate mass produce, by who was it mass produced and what was in it. I did not realize that the food we eat is anything but healthy nor safe in the long run, what I discover during this semester has impact the way I eat and in the general way I view food and the people that offer it to us. For some this concept may seem a bit ‘tree hugger’ because we are given all this information in how the meat we eat is not killed nor clean properly leaving the meat full of bacteria that could kill us, and be excepted to give up meat because of this information. But seriously you have lived for about an average of eighteen or nineteen years old been omnivorous and some one comes up to you and tells you that meat and the food your eating right now is bad for you, will you believe them? Realistically, I wouldn’t believe them right away, and even if they had a lot of evidence I will still be a bit wary of them.
Because of this reason in our food course we have embarked in a way to prove to others that the way we are eating and the stuff (because of its processing I don’t think its food) we are eating isn’t healthy for us. We have look in every aspect of industrialized food system, we have view it from its processing and cleaning, to its market price, to its nutrition and finally to its social view.
In the next paragraphs I will be trying to open your minds to a reality that has evade us, and just as the matrix some of us will believe it, some won’t.
The big fast food companies have since there existence try to manipulate us into spending large amounts of money from our pay to eat their processed and addictive food. And we have fallen for this trap; they have caught us because we are always searching for ways of getting our food and others things faster. We have become “a nation with a health disorder”.
They began by buying the little farms and grouping them together to create one massive one, they fired all the competent farmers because they did not agree with their rules, and in their place they hired immigrants that weren’t trained in the correct way to clean meat. Their only care since the beginning has been for the profit and not for the consumers.
This food that big companies process and give to us to eat are not only fill with bacteria, but our vegetables and fruits are also fill with pesticides that kill insects but also are harmful for us and the environment. So, the big companies give us process food that is harmful for us, so how do they keep us faithful to them and not organic farms? Well, that’s were the industrialize food system comes in play, it markets, it manipulates us to get their food only, it makes gives us variety like mangos from a South American country or chesses from a European country. Those foods are also process and full of bacteria and pesticides, but we American love to have the upper hand to the rest of the world, that’s why we buy mangos in winter that don’t grow in our country and that travels thousand of miles to get to our supermarket.
Another point in their industrialize food system, is fossil fuel. A very important part in this manipulation, it allows the mangos to travel thousands of miles for us; it gives power to our cities and allows us to move faster than before. It uses fuel to kill the environment.
One may think that because they are processing the food the only thing they are damaging is our health, but in actuality they are also damaging our environment with their massive industrialize factories that kill our land and our air with its waste. They also over use a non-reusable source in our planet, fossil fuel. And like everything else it will run out soon and their manipulative way will be over.
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