As I went to lunch today, I didn’t fell really hungry; I had some grapes and raisins in my bag, also my everyday vitamin water. I decided to get some cheese popcorn; I was craving it a bit. As I sat down to eat I began to also do my homework. I begin explaining my experience with my lunch today. I began with green grapes. I took a bit of it and scrunched my eyes; the center of my tongue was tingly because the grape was a bit sour. It felt smooth in my mouth and cold, it was very juicy and I realized this because my mouth was filled with its juice, as it went down my trough I was surprise to feel it went down smoothly even thought I wasn’t entirely chewed. After I finished with my grapes I began with raisins. It was entirely different from the smoothness of the grapes it was a bit rough, as I began to chewed them I felt in the tip of my tongue how overly sweet it was, as I began to chew it was really rough in my mouth like eating pumice, it left my mouth a bit dried and I had to take a drink of my vitamin water to help it go down. After the not so good experience with the raisins I begin eating the white cheddar popcorn. As I open it my senses went in overdrive, I have a bit of a obsessing with white cheese; my nose caught the faint smell of the cheese on the popcorn and already without tasting it my mouth began to water a bit. I choose to go one by one to truly enjoy it. As I put it in my mouth in the middle off my tongue I instantaneous feel of cheese in it and it began melting in my mouth. After a while of my enjoying its salty cheesy taste it slides smoothly down my mouth, the after taste was a pleasant cheesy taste in my tongue. And with that I tried more and when lunch was over I finished my experience with food for the day.

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